(none) Quintin Stone - Editorials
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The Value Of Concealed Carry
Monday, July 28, 1997 3:57 PM

Whenever some crazy guy goes ballistic with a gun, such as Colin Ferguson in NYC, so many people spout the same rhetoric, "If only he had been unable to get a gun!" I, on the other hand, expound upon the opposite sentiment: "If only everyone else had been armed!"

Seriously, how long would his little shooting spree had lasted were every other subway commuter likewise carrying a handgun? Maybe two or three shots before a fellow subway traveler realizes that he's next and puts an end to Colin's little fun and games. Maybe less. Perfectly justified, in the defense of yourself and others. Blam.

And the massacre in a restaurant in Texas. The man drove a truck through the store window, stepped out, and started shooting. I don't know how many killed and wounded. It would have ended a lot sooner had every patron of the store been packing.

How long are people going to go through their lives as sitting ducks? Isn't it better that everyone is armed than only criminals having guns? Because that's exactly what gun control will accomplish, that only criminals are armed. Will that make you feel safe?

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