Logo created by ptackbar.
"Prepare for dive!"
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MojoZilla is the brainchild of Bad Mojo. In his never ending search for new ways to spread his ideas across the internet, MojoZilla radio was born. "Our live radio show is packed to the brim with buzzwords, hype, biased opinions, and subtle product endorsements! No one can resist us!"

This is LouZiffer. He's got some kind of Pirate fetish last I checked. No idea what's going on there. He's about as normal as they come. If by normal I really mean insane and somehow really really weird.

Smarty man game designer. Stone actually does productive things like writing mods for UT and Quake2. He owns a fleet of cats and never balks at using them to get his way. Currently Stone is formulating a crushing plan to wipe CliffyB off the face of the Earth.

Master of Java and IBM lackey. Kurrelgyre is immune to all forms of sarcasm. His Soul Calibur skills make him a lethal opponent and earns the respect of many 8 year old adversaries (most of them girls).

Here are a few more shots of interest. This is the studio where we record. Humble isn't it? And this is ptackbar who designed the logo and occasionally sits in on the shows. A recent addition is a shot of two of our frequent listeners: Ro and SirJev.
Who is Bad Mojo?
Feel free to send comments to: mojo@rps.net
All content and original artwork copyright © 1999-2000