City Government

Arcadia effectively functions as an independent city-state. It exists as a self-contained entity in which the government was created to rule, and the people exist to both serve and be served. The City Council is Arcadia's sole official ruling body. It enacts the laws of city, manages its public utilities, and directs the city's law enforcement branch, the Arcadia Security Force (this city's "police" department). Newcomers to the city realize quickly that despite all appearances, this is not a municipality governed by the rule of law. The old rules of the United States no longer apply. There is no Constitution. Police generally arrest at a whim (though they know to stay clear of anything involving the Corporations). Arcadia's courts are tuned for expediency, not justice. There are no appeals and generally only the well-connected manage to avoid conviction.

Outside of Arcadia, there is no recognized law at all. It is survival of the fittest, might makes right. If there is anything at all remaining of federal or state powers, no one in this blasted wasteland knows anything about it.

The Council

Arcadia Security Force

The Courts and the Justice System

Arcadia Prison