February 22, 2011

Gavin gave up his new chair to sister, Shealyn the following day. She fought a fever for four days with no other symptoms!

February 17th, 2011

Comparing Shealyn's old and new CGMS sensors….. Her old Navigator is on the left. The little black tip is what was under her skin. Compare that to the new Guardian on the right and the length of it's sensor. No wonder it hurts so much more upon insertion! It's three times longer. Time for numbing cream!

Cookie Caper

“Papa, I want to go look at the cookies,” said Shealyn.

“Okay, but do not eat any!” replied Papa.

Well, technically she didn’t EAT any cookies.  However, what she did do was take her finger and scoop out a chunk of chocolate from each cookie on the cooling tray.  Glad I had already set aside the batches I was making for church and a gathering with friends!

Cookie caperThe guilty party