May 11, 2011

We returned to the Marbles Kid Museum. Shealyn was determined to fill her bucket with balls. If I remember correctly, all but ONE bounced right back out. Lol

May 7, 2011

Shealyn's reward for going to the grocery store with Mama. They were giving away HUGE chocolate dipped strawberries.

April 27,2011

Even with the white scar, bruised goose egg, and four missing teeth, this is one cute kiddo.

March 26, 2011

No, her hair isn't really like that. This is what happens when I snap a pic of a kid that won't hold still! Lol

March 7, 2011

An old note from Shealyn I found the other day buried at the bottom of this notepad. I have no idea when she wrote it, but most likely a year ago when she refused to acknowledge lower case letters. lol! Apparently she wanted candy for dinner one night. Nice try Shealyn. It was worth a shot.

March 3, 2011

Shealyn is thrilled to finally be taking violin lessons. Go get 'em girl! Where are the earplugs? ;-)

March 2, 2011

Crazy hair day at school! This is about as crazy as the girls will go with their hair right now. I voted for multiple ponytails and such as well.